Scenario: My windshield broke and I am unable to get the decal off (to reuse my decal)

Response:For those who do not know what a decal is, this is what is locally call a ‘‘sticker’’, which is issued by the Inland Revenue Department when a taxpayer pays his or her motor vehicle license. This decal will have a punch that corresponds to the last digit of your license plate. For example, if your motor vehicle number is P388, then your decal must be punched August because your last digit is eight (8) and August is the eight (8th) month of the year, that is if you are paying an annual license. If you are paying a half year license then it will be punched February.

If a motor vehicle or trailer license is lost, defaced, mutilated or rendered illegible, the Licensing Officer may issue a duplicate license on payment of the prescribed fee of one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00). Please note that the Licensing Officer may require relevant information or documentation in support of the request for the issuance of a duplicate motor vehicle sticker. A valid insurance certificate should also be presented.

If any such license be subsequently found, the holder of the duplicate license shall forthwith deliver up to the Licensing Officer the duplicate license and any person knowingly retaining or having in his possession both an original and a duplicate license is guilty of an offence under the Act.


Contact Information

Director General Finance & Planning
Mr. Edmond Jackson
Telephone:(784) 457-1343
(784) 456-1111 Ext: 3507
Fax: (784) 457-2943