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(SVG Job connection skills match – - an exciting internet-based system to help match the right candidates to the right job openings.)


What We Do

  • Register, interview, and counsel the unemployed.
  • Assist in filling job vacancies, locally and abroad.
  • Offer career guidance to schools.
  • Train students and school leavers.


Some features of the system

  • Database of job seekers.
  • Employers navigate our database of specific skills in just a few steps to select the exact qualifications for workers needed.
  • Automated matching to find qualified job seekers for all types of employment.
  • Accessible from any computer with internet service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • On-site recruitment.
  • Resume writing, job search, interviewing skills.


What our system does

  • Meets the demands of employers in St. Vincent and the Grenadines for more qualified job candidates and an improved referral process.
  • Eliminates common misunderstandings about requirements for job openings so qualified candidates are referred.
  • Allows the job seekers to specify his/her skills and training.


Hon. Camillo Gonsalves

Contact Information

Director General Finance & Planning
Mr. Edmond Jackson
Telephone:(784) 457-1343
(784) 456-1111 Ext: 3507
Fax: (784) 457-2943