In the 1930’s there were riots throughout Saint Vincent and the Grenadines as a result of the exploitation faced by workers. Following the riots, the Moyne Commission recommended that there should be a Department of Labour and by Ordinance No. 14 of 1942, the Department of Labour was established.

During the colonial era and several years after, the role of the Department of Labour was seen as that of a policeman – stop the fire once it started.

Today in an effort to meet the challenges of globalization faced by the labour market, the Department of Labour plays a much more positive role in the economic and social conditions of the labour force. We strive to promote a safe and healthy working environment at the work place, industrial justice for workers and employers. The Department of Labour with the assistance of the social partners ensures that industrial peace is maintained in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Contact Information

Director General Finance & Planning
Mr. Edmond Jackson
Telephone:(784) 457-1343
(784) 456-1111 Ext: 3507
Fax: (784) 457-2943